Statistical Analysis of lotto number

This method of playing the lottery is largely dependent on the prediction. But there are some math (very dark) involved. It is requested that the numbers were developed in the past. Then, on the basis of this information, predicts that the numbers are more important factor in the following draw.

The contained here is that players should know that the numbers were collected in the past. Compilation of such information may be a noble goal, yes. However, the numbers of many of the largest lotteries in the prediction of many programs available packages.

The basic theory is that the numbers that appear with equal frequency over a considerable period in the history of each game. This system also provides that short-term trends and cycles as well. Some figures have "drought" (similar to those that might exist in the history goes back to a mathematician) and some are collected in almost all draw.

Of course, the drawing of numbers in the lottery is supposed to completely random. However, the models and the number of repetitions seem easy compared to recognizable.

Hot Number vs cold numb

Whatever cold calculation of the individual forecasting system is used, is likely to come to a description of the numbers numbers.

A "hot" or "cold" hot longer than shown the number of X A series of selected time designation "cold" numbers are used. Where x is any system that decided it must be.

Depending where the software used to you, he suggests that one of them is the way forward. While the numbers might mean more popular because they are constantly running cold figures are produced sometimes called "late".


Over a short period of time, patterns of numbers in the lottery can often not be disclosed. It may be a little over a lap, a valid model at a certain time to be determined. However, this approach to provide opportunities to improve his chances of winning the lottery kiosk software, computer-generated number gods.

Some also combined this method with the number of the wheel - lotto wheel. The effort seems to be a winner twice chances.


One of the major drawbacks of this system is to improve the compilation of the numbers from previous draws up to three years. Does that sound time and perhaps not even doable.

Plus, the reputation of the lottery system is not as great. Given that the wheel has come to math, with the old numbers to predict the number of the future is not as strong. Page uses a "coin flip" theory to support his claims, saying that every time a coin lands on heads, the probability that the next increase will be the tail. All students in mathematics can tell you that this is not true.